Note that this list is not exhaustive

Failure Response Codes

10001Unknown errorCheck to see if you have sent a duplicate request reference id in the request xml. Query for the transaction using the Query Transaction method
10002Invalid RequestCheck your request xml to verify you are sending valid request xml.
10003UnauthorizedPlease provide valid details and try again later. Please contact Interswitch.
10010Partner not setup/Incorrect entity codeThe Institution/Biller/Entity Code in your request message has not been configured on Quick Teller.
10020Partner not properly configuredPartner/Biller has not been properly configured on Quickteller. Please contact Interswitch.
10030Partner deactivatedPartner/Biller has been deactivated on Quick Teller. Please contact Interswitch.
20010Xml Node MissingSomething is missing in your request message. Please check the response xml
20020Xml Node Value EmptyYou have sent an empty xml node. Please check the response xml.
20030Xml Node Value not validPlease check the response xml for the invalid value in your request message.
20040Invalid data type, date expectedYou have sent an invalid date format, please check the request xml
20041Invalid data type, numeric expectedYou have sent an invalid data, please check the response xml.
20050Xml Node Value not validPlease check the response xml for the invalid value in your request message.
20060Invalid data type, date expectedYou have sent an invalid date format, please check the request xml.
20061Entity Location is disabled
20062Entity is DisabledPlease contact Interswitch.
30010Transaction not foundThe Transaction does not exist in Quickteller. Please contact Interswitch.
30020Duplicate Transfer CodeThe transfer code exists in Quickteller, please try another transfer code
30030Bank authorization neededThe transfer code exists in Quick teller, please try another transfer code.
40010ATM cash out payments must be in multiplesPlease change the amount to of 1000.multiples of 1000 and resend the transaction.
40020ATM cash out payment has exceeded the maximum allowed valuePlease try cash out the next day.
40030Maximum transfer limit has been exceededPlease ensure that amount is not more than the allowed maximum limit
50010Invalid cancellation request - Transfer has been completedYou cannot cancel the transfer because it has been cashed out.
60001User not foundThe user does not exist in Quick Teller. Please contact Interswitch.
60003Security token invalid or expired.Please use a valid or active security token.
60010Password does not meet complexity requirements.Please use a complex password and try again.
60012Password does not meet history requirements.Please try a password that meets history requirements or contact Interswitch.
60011Duplicate UsernameThe username exists in Quick Teller, please try another username.
60020Invalid Activation TokenPlease use a valid or active activation token.
60030Passwords do not matchPlease provide match passwords and try again.
60031Password change failedPlease provide match passwords and try again.
70010Biller not foundPlease provide correct biller code in your request xml and try again.
70011Unrecognized cardYour card has not been configured on Interswitch PayDirect. Please contact Interswitch.
70012Unrecognized terminal ownerYour terminal has not been configured on Quickteller. Please contact Interswitch.
70013Unrecognized customerThe customer does not exist, please try another. You can contact Interswitch if you think the customer is valid.
70014Unrecognized payment channelThe payment channel does not exist or is invalid, check this document for a valid payment channel code. You can contact Interswitch if you think the code is valid.
70015Collections account not setupA collections account has not been setup. Please contact Interswitch.
70016Collections account type not setThe collections account type must be set, please check and try again. You can contact Interswitch if you have set the account type and still got this error.
70017Payment type code not recognizedYou have supplied an invalid payment type code. Please check, correct and try again.
70018Payment type code not recognizedPlease provide correct Transaction Reference in your request xml and try again.
70019Failed to send payment downstreamPlease contact Interswitch.
70020Collecting bank settings not configuredPlease contact Interswitch
70021Lead Bank not found or setupPlease contact Interswitch.
70022Advice previously received and processedTry Query Transaction method to see the details of your transaction.
70023Biller already associated with customerPlease contact Interswitch
70025Bank not setup or enabled for bill paymentPlease contact Interswitch
70025Bank not setup or enabled for bill paymentPlease contact Interswitch
70026Biller not enabled for channelPlease contact Interswitch
70027Bank not enabled for billerPlease contact Interswitch
70028Terminal owner not enabled for billerPlease contact Interswitch
70029Terminal owner not enabled for channelPlease contact Interswitch
70030Terminal owner not setup or enabled for bill paymentPlease contact Interswitch
70031Unrecognized CBN Bank CodePlease contact Interswitch
70032Certificate identity errorEnsure the identity of your certificate is the same as the public key provided to Interswitch. If problem persist, please contact Interswitch.
70033Certificate not recognized/setup in QuicktellerPlease contact Interswitch.
70034Certificate terminal owner mismatchPlease contact Interswitch.
70035Access to method call is deniedPlease contact Interswitch.
70036Terminal owner not associated with a funds transfer institutionPlease contact Interswitch.
70037Fees not setupPlease contact Interswitch.
70038Data not foundThe data you queried for does not exist. Please check to confirm and try again or contact Interswitch.
70039Transaction set not allowedPlease contact Interswitch.
90001Refer to Financial InstitutionPlease contact the Bank or Interswitch
70041Expired TransactionPlease contact Interswitch.
70042Full PaymentPlease contact Interswitch.
70070Transaction amount not approved by billerAmount passed in request is incorrect. Please try again with the right amount.
70132Invalid Mobile NumberMake sure mobile number does not contain spaces or special characters.
90020Invalid Response from Financial InstitutionPlease contact the financial institution.
90021No Action Taken by Financial InstitutionPlease contact the financial institution or Interswitch.
90022Suspected MalfunctionTry again later. If the error persists, please contact Interswitch
90023Unacceptable Transaction FeePlease supply an acceptable transaction fee and try again
90024File Update not SupportedThis feature is not supported. Please contact Interswitch.
90025Unable to Locate RecordRecord does not exist. You may contact Interswitch.
90026Duplicate RecordPlease try again with a new record.
90027File Update Field Edit ErrorPlease rectify the error and try again. If the error persists, please contact Interswitch
90028File Update File LockedPlease try again later with a new record. Please contact Interswitch
90029File Update FailedPlease contact Interswitch.
90030Format ErrorPlease change the format or contact Interswitch.
90031Bank Not SupportedPlease contact the bank or Interswitch.
90032Completed Partially by Financial InstitutionPlease contact the bank or Interswitch.
90033Expired Card, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank.
90034Suspected Fraud, Pick-UPlease contact your bank.
90036Suspected Fraud, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank.
90037Call Acquirer Security, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank.
90038PIN Tries Exceeded, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank.
90039No Credit AccountPlease contact your bank.
90040Function not SupportedPlease contact your bank.
90041Lost Card, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank.
90042No Universal AccountPlease try again with a valid account or contact your bank.
90043Stolen Card, Pick-UpPlease contact your bank
90044No Investment AccountPlease try again with a valid account or contact your bank.
90051Insufficient FundsPlease contact your bank.
90052No Check AccountPlease try again with a valid account or contact your bank.
90052No Check AccountPlease try again with a valid account or contact your bank
90053No Savings AccountPlease try again with a valid account or contact your bank
90054Expired CardPlease contact your bank.
90055Incorrect PINPlease try again with correct PIN.
90056No Card RecordPlease try again with a valid card or contact your bank.
90057Transaction not Permitted to CardholderPlease contact your bank
90058Transaction not Permitted on TerminalPlease contact Interswitch.
90059Suspected FraudPlease contact Interswitch.
90060Contact AcquirerYour transaction has been declined by your bank. Please contact your bank.
90061Exceeds Withdrawal LimitPlease contact your bank.
90062Restricted CardPlease contact your bank.
90063Security ViolationPlease contact your bank.
90064Original Amount IncorrectPlease enter correct original amount and try again.
90065Exceeds withdrawal frequencyPlease try again later or contact your bank.
90066Call Acquirer SecurityPlease contact the Acquirer or Interswitch.
90067Hard CapturePlease contact Interswitch.
90068Response Received Too LatePlease try again later or contact your bank
90075PIN tries exceededPlease contact your bank.
90076Reserved for Future Postilion UsePlease contact Interswitch
90077Intervene, Bank Approval RequiredPlease contact the bank
90078Intervene, Bank Approval Required for Partial AmountPlease contact the bank
90090Cut-off in ProgressThe financial Institution is not available, please try again later
90091Issuer or Switch InoperativePlease contact the bank, Telco or Interswitch
90092Routing errorPlease contact the bank
90093Violation of lawPlease contact the bank
90094Duplicate TransactionYou have sent this transaction before, please send a new transaction
90095Reconcile ErrorPlease contact Interswitch
90096System MalfunctionPlease try again, if the problem persist contact Interswitch.
90098Exceeds Cash LimitPlease contact your bank.
900A5Contract phone number recharge is not allowedPlease try again with a non- contract phone number or contact the Telco.
900A6The phone number you have supplied is inactive.Please try again with an active phone number or contact the Telco.
900A7The phone number you have supplied has been barred.Please try again with an unbarred phone number or contact the Telco.
900A8There is no voucher of the requested denomination.Please try again with a valid voucher denomination.
900A9The phone number or smart card number you have supplied is invalidPlease try again with a valid phone number or smart card number.
E26System MalfunctionPlease contact Interswitch
E18Unable to process the request at this time, Please try again later.Please contact Interswitch
E19Unable to process the request at this timePlease contact Interswitch

Success Response Codes

90000SuccessfulThe transaction has been completed successfully
90010Approved by Financial Institution, PartialThe transaction has been completed successfully.
90011Approved by Financial Institution, VIPThe transaction has been completed successfully.
90016Approved by Financial Institution, Update Track 3The transaction has been completed successfully.


CodeDescriptionPoints to NoteAction Points
900A0Unknown ErrorThis is not an actual failure hence; funds should not be returned to the customer.Query the web service to get the updated status, however, if the response code returned after querying over a period of time is 900A0, you may contact Interswitch through our contact center; to get a confirmation on the actual status of the transaction.
90009Request in ProgressTransaction should be treated as successful. This response code indicates that a response is yet to be received from the TELCO. A very high percentage of transactions with 90009 end up being successful. As a result customers' funds should not be reversed.Query the web service to get the updated status, however, if the response code returned after querying over a period of time is 90009, you may contact Interswitch through our contact center; to get a confirmation on the actual status of the transaction.

Payment Methods

Code NameName
CDCash Card

Account Types

CodeAccount Type
20Current Account
10Savings Account

Payment Channels


Bank Entity Codes

Bank NameBank CBN Code
Access Bank044
Diamond Bank063
Fidelity Bank070
First Bank of Nigeria011
Guaranty Trust Bank058
Heritage Bank030
Jaiz Bank301
Skye Bank076
Stanbic IBTC Bank039
Sterling Bank232
Union Bank032
United Bank for Africa033
Unity Bank215
Wema Bank035
Zenith International Bank057


Requests will be sent over HTTPS only. Each request is also sent using a custom InterswitchAuth Authorization Realm. The Interswitch Security documentation should be sent along with this document, kindly request for it if it has not been included. There are some sensitive parameters in the requests that are expected to be signed.

kindly request for it if it has not been included. There are some sensitive parameters in the requests that are expected to be signed.