This Pod enables you to integrate Interswitch payments to iOS mobile apps.
Adding MobpayiOS to a project
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate Mobpay into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile: To get the library add the following dependency to your podfile:
pod 'MobpayiOS'
Then run the following command
pod install
Don’t forget to use the .xcworkspace file to open your project in Xcode, instead of the .xcodeproj file, from here on out.
In the future, to update to the latest version of the SDK, just run:
pod update MobpayiOS
Usage examples
Get an interswitch client Id and client secret for your interswitch merchant account then instantiate a mobpay object by doing the following:
import MobpayiOS
let card = Card(pan: "4111111111111111", cvv: "123", expiryYear: "20", expiryMonth: "02", tokenize: false)
let payment = Payment(amount: "100", transactionRef: "66809285644", orderId: "OID123453", terminalType: "MOBILE", terminalId: "3TLP0001", paymentItem: "CRD", currency: "KES")
let customer = Customer(customerId: "12", firstName: "Allan", secondName: "Mageto", email: "", mobile: "0712345678", city: "NBI", country: "KE", postalCode: "00200", street: "WESTLANDS", state: "NBI")
let merchant = Merchant(merchantId: "your merchant id", domain: "your domain")
Card Payment
To make a card payment :
try!Mobpay.instance.submitCardPayment(card: cardInput, merchant: merchantInput, payment: paymentInput, customer: customerInput, clientId: self.clientId,clientSecret: self.clientSecret,previousUIViewController: self){(completion) in
self.showResponse(message: completion)
where the previous view controller is the controller youre calling the function from
Card Token Payment
To make a card token payment:
try!Mobpay.instance.submitTokenPayment(cardToken: cardToken, merchant: merchantInput, payment: paymentInput, customer: customerInput, clientId: self.clientId,clientSecret: self.clientSecret,previousUIViewController: self){
(completion) in
self.showResponse(message: completion)
Mobile Money Payment
To make a mobile money payment:
try!Mobpay.instance.makeMobileMoneyPayment(mobile: mobileInput, merchant: merchantInput, payment: paymentInput, customer: customerInput, clientId: self.clientId, clientSecret:self.clientSecret)
(completion) in self.showResponse(message: completion)
Confirm Mobile Money Payment
To confirm if a mobile money payment was successful or not:
try!Mobpay.instance.confirmMobileMoneyPayment(orderId: self.orderId, clientId: self.clientId,clientSecret: self.clientSecret){
(completion) in self.showResponse(message: completion)
Source code
Visit to get the source code and releases of this project if you want to try a manual integration process.